Internal Linking Automations
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Calculate the URL link equities based in a list of links. The link equity is calculated by constructing a link graph and calculating the PageRank of the nodes. The URL link equity is the PageRank of the URL in the link graph.
Find the sitemaps for a list of domains and extract the URLs from them. Automatically looks for the sitemaps in common locations like /sitemap.xml, /sitemap_index.xml, /robots.txt, etc. Also follows the sitemap index files to extract all URLs.
Scrape links from a list of URLs. Returns the source URL, target URL, rel attribute, external/internal, target attribute, relative/absolute, and hashbang of the links. Allows setting the timeout.
Get the estimated monthly traffic for a list of URLs. The traffic is based on the ranking keywords of the urls, their position and their search volume. Allows setting the country, language, and other settings.
Construct a directed link graph based on a list of links. The nodes are URLs and the edges are the links between the URLs. The edges do not have a weight.
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