Data Analysis / ML Automations
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Automatically extract data from a file into a data action of any type using AI generated code. Usefull for when you want to extract data from a file into a data type for further processing. The file should contain the data that the data action requires.
Automatically extracts and transforms data from one data type into another with AI generated code. Usefull for when there are no predefined automations that exactly fit your requirements. Once connected to and input and output data action Unbuild AI will automatically generate the code to extract and transform the data.
Calculates the PageRank of nodes in a graph. PageRank is a measure of the importance of each node in the graph based on the structure of the graph. Takes into account the direction of the edge and how strong the relation (weight) between the nodes is.
Clusters nodes in a graph by applying the Label Propagation Algorithm (LPA). Can be used to find groups of nodes that are more connected to each other than to other nodes in the graph. Takes into account how strong the relation (weight) between the nodes is.
Calculates the betweenness centrality of nodes in a graph. The betweenness centrality of a node is a measure of the number of shortest paths that pass through the node. Takes into account how strong the relation (weight) between the nodes is.
Calculates the closeness centrality of nodes in a graph. The closeness centrality of a node is a measure of how close the node is to all other nodes in the graph. Takes into account how strong the relation (weight) between the nodes is.
Calculates the eigenvector centrality of nodes in a graph. The eigenvector centrality of a node is a measure of the importance of the node based on the importance of its neighbors. Takes into account how strong the relation (weight) between the nodes is.
Calculates the in-degree of nodes in a directed graph. The in-degree of a node is the number of edges that are directed towards the node. Takes into account the direction of the edge and how strong the relation (weight) between the nodes is.
Calculates the out-degree of nodes in a directed graph. The out-degree of a node is the number of edges that are directed away from the node. Takes into account the direction of the edge and how strong the relation (weight) between the nodes is.